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    Notice: Your submission of this form, or a free telephone consultation, will not constitute an attorney-client relationship.

    About Us

    Michael W. Goldstein is a New York lawyer handling many types of cases such as medical malpractice and personal injury cases throughout New York State since 1985. Michael W. Goldstein has substantial experience aggressively and effectively representing business and individual clients.

    General Disclaimer

    Visiting our website, submitting any information via questionnaire or email, or discussing your case with us does not create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship with our law firm can only be established with the signing of a written retainer agreement prepared by our law firm.

    Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future case or legal matter.

    We keep all correspondence strictly confidential among our law firm and associated law firms, however, the confidentiality of any information sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, the submission of a questionnaire or email sent over the Internet might not be successfully delivered to our firm. Therefore, we cannot guarantee a response to your inquiry. If you do not receive a reply to your completed questionnaire, please feel free to call us.
    Law Offices of Michael W. Goldstein is a New York conntracts, business transactions, and commercial litigation law firm, also representing clients in general litigation.

    Law Offices of Michael W. Goldstein
    Medical Malpractice Attorney

    Telephone: (212) 571-6848
    Attorney Advertising